Plant Directory
We offer a variety of plants, ranging from sub-tropicals to drought-tolerant shrub varieties. Click on the sub-categories below to peruse our seasonal library or utilize the search feature above to expedite your research.

Commonly referred to as the ‘Damianita Daisy’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Bat-face Cuphea’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Brittlebush’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Angelita Daisy’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Blackfoot Daisy’.
Commonly known as ‘Parry’s Penstamon’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Autumn Sage’ or ‘Chihuahuan Sage’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Desert Globemallow’ or ‘Apricot Globemallow’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Slender Vervain’ or ‘Purple Verbena’.
Commonly referred to as Frangipani.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Banana Yucca’.
Commonly known as the ‘Joshua Tree.’
Commonly referred to as the ‘Soaptree Yucca’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Giant Yucca’.
Commonly known as ‘Color Guard’.
Commonly known as ‘linear yucca’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Pale Leaf Yucca’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Mexican Blue Yucca’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Beaked Yucca’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Twisted Leaf Yucca’.
Cacti, Agaves, Euphorbias & Succulents
Commonly referred to as the ‘Desert Rose’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Variegated Smooth Agave’.
A Rancho Soledad hybrid exclusive known as Agave hybr. ‘Blue Ember’.
A Rancho Soledad hybrid exclusive known as ‘Agave Blue Waves’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Blue Elf Aloe’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Aloe Topaz’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Black Widow’ agave.
Commonly referred to as ‘Blue Glow Agave.’
Commonly referred to as ‘Cowhorn Agave’ or ‘lechguilla verde’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Cameron Blue’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Celsii Nova’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Smooth Agave’ or ‘Spineless Jade’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Horrible Agave’, ‘Wicked’ Agave, and Mexcalmetl.
Commonly referred to as the twin-flowered agave.
Commonly referred to as ‘Murphy’s Agave’ or ‘Hohokam Agave’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Whale’s Tongue Agave’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Cabbage Head Agave’.
Commonly referred to by its botanical name, Agave parryi.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Artichoke Agave.’
Commonly known as the variegated ‘Artichoke Agave.’
Commonly referred to as the ‘Dwarf Butterfly Agave’.
Commonly known as the variegated dwarf butterfly agave.
Commonly referred to as ‘Queen Victoria Agave.’
Commonly referred to as’ Weber’s Agave’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Saguaro’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Golden Barrel’ cactus.
Commonly referred to as Candelilla.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Ladyslipper Plant.’
Commonly referred to as the ‘Gopher Plant.’
Commonly referred to as ‘Firesticks’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Green Desert Spoon’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Toothless Desert Spoon’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Desert Spoon’.
Formerly known as Pedilanthus macrocarpus, commonly referred to as the ‘Ladyslipper Plant’.
Commonly known as ‘Baja Spurge’.
Commonly referred to as the fish-hook cactus, or a compass barrel.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Giant Yucca’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Red Yucca’.
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A Rancho Soledad exclusive dwarf hesperaloe variety known as ‘Ruby Red’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Mexican Fencepost’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Elephant Cactus’ or ‘Mexican Giant Cardon’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Organ Pipe’ cactus.
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Shrubs, Vines & Groundcovers
Commonly referred to as ‘Autumn Sage’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Gardenia’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Little John’ or ‘Bottlebrush’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Wedelia’ or the ‘Trailing Daisy’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Alexandra’.
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A heat-tolerant variety commonly referred to as ‘Yani’s Delight’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Majestic Purple’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Barbara Karst’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘La Jolla’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Flame’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Fire Opal’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Pixie Pink’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Ruby Red’.
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A select type of hibiscus that is an outstanding performer here in the desert.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Lynn’s Legacy’ or ‘Lynn’s Everblooming Sage’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Coral Plant’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Dwarf Coral Plant’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Bells of Fire’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Lydia’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Sparklette’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Sparky’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Blue Hibiscus’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Blonde Ambition’, or Blue Grama Grass.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Baja Red Fairy Duster’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Pink Fairy Duster’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Green Hopseed’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Purple Hopseed’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Carolina Jasmine’.
Commonly known as ‘Yaupon Holly’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Arabian Jasmine.’
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Commonly referred to as ‘Chuperosa’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Silver Sage’ or ‘Compacta’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Heavenly Cloud Sage’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Green Cloud Sage.’
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Commonly referred to as ‘Blue Ranger’.
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Commonly referred to as dwarf red oleander.
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Commonly referred to as dwarf white oleander.
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Commonly referred to as dwarf pink oleander.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Red Bush Oleander.’
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Commonly referred to as ‘White Bush Oleander.’
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Commonly referred to as ‘Pink Bush Oleander’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Lil Ollie’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Plumbago’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Mexican Petunia’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Baja Ruellia’ or ‘Desert Ruellia’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Star Jasmine’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Orange Jubilee’ or ‘OJ’.
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Commonly known as ‘yellow bells.’
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Commonly referred to as ‘Katy’ or dwarf ruellia.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Mexican Honeysuckle’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Firecracker Bush’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Tangerine Beauty Crossvine’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Cat’s Claw’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Queen of Sheba’ or ‘Podranea’.
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Commonly known as Vigna caracalla, or the ‘Snail Vine’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Cape Honeysuckle’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Dwarf Myrtle’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Creosote’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Blue Bells’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Winter Blaze’.
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Commonly known as ‘Outback Sunrise’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Ground Morning Glory’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Morning Glory’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Hall’s Honeysuckle’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Hacienda Creeper’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Mexican Bird of Paradise’ or the ‘Yellow Bird of Paradise’.
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Commonly known as the ‘Red Bird of Paradise’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Desert Bird of Paradise’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Silvery Cassia’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Desert Cassia’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Feathery Cassia’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Plumeria’, ‘Nosegay’ or ‘Frangipani’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Shrimp Plant’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Shazam’ or ‘red/gold’ lantana.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Dallas Red’ or ‘Red bush lantana’.
Commonly referred to as mounding gold lantana, or ‘New Gold’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Trailing Purple Lantana’.
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Commonly known as ‘Irene’.
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Commonly referred to as ‘Raspberry Lantana’.
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Commonly known as ‘Natal Plum’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Brittlebush’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Jojoba’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Mandevilla’ or the ‘Rocktrumpet’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Canna Lily’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Calla Lily’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Iceberg Rose’.
Commonly referred to as Mulga, or ‘True Mulga’.
Commonly referred to as the weeping wattle, or the acacia willow.
Commonly referred to as ‘Sweet Acacia.’
Commonly referred to as the ‘Shoestring Acacia’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Palo Blanco’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Cascalote’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Desert Museum’ Palo Verde.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Rio Salado Desert Willow’.
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Commonly known as simply ‘Desert Willow’ or ‘Bubba’.
Commonly known as Chitalpa, or ‘Pink Dawn’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Little Leaf Cordia’.
Commonly referred to as an ‘Indian Laurel’ or ‘Indian Fig’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Arizona Ash’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Bonita Ash’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Berrinda Ash’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Fan-Tex Ash’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Fan West’ Ash.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Black Poui’.
Commonly referred to as a ‘Bay Laurel.’
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Fruitless Olive’.
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Commonly known as ‘Palo Brea’ or ‘The Sonoran Palo Verde’.
Commonly referred to as a Mastic.
Commonly referred to as ‘Red Push’.
Commonly referred to as ‘Texas Ebony’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Chilean Mesquite’.
Commonly known as the Rio Salado mesquite.
Commonly referred to as the ‘velvet mesquite’.
Commonly known as the ‘Purple Plum’.
Commonly referred to as the Bradford Pear.
Commonly referred to as ‘Holly Oak’.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Live Oak.’
Commonly referred to as a ‘Cathedral Oak.’
Commonly known as African Sumac.
Commonly referred to as ‘Texas Mountain Laurel’.
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Commonly referred to as the ‘Chaste Tree.’
Commonly referred to as the ‘Evergreen Elm.’
Arid Zone Trees - AZT Legacy Series
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