Yucca rupicola

Twisted-Leaf Yucca



Yucca rupicola, also known as the Beaked Yucca, is a drought-tolerant, evergreen shrub is an endemic plant (native to only a particular area) that is native to Edwards Plateau Region in Central Texas.  This green yucca this plant is ideal for large low water use landscapes. However, it is monocarpic; it will only flower once before it dies.  The flowers and the fruit produced by this yucca are edible, both raw and prepared.  Like most yuccas, its flowers attract insects such as butterflies and moths. 



Scientific name: Yucca rupicola

Common Name: Twisted-Leaf Yucca

Genus: Yucca

Species: rupicola

Family: Asparagaceae

Monocarpic: Yes

Suggested Uses: Beds, Borders, Containers, and Rock Gardens



Height: 2-5 ft

Width: 2-3 ft

Flower: White flowers on long stalk

Bloom Season: N/A

Seed/Fruit: Green



Exposure: Full Sun

Water Use: Low

Soil: Well-Draining

USDA Zone: 7-11


Origin: Edwards Plateau Region in Central Texas