Caesalpinia pulcherrima

Red bird of paradise


One of the original plants that were propagated by V&P Nurseries, Caesalpinia pulcherrima is a feathery, fern-like plant with characteristic bright orange and yellow flowers with long, red stamens.  Mostly found in the southern states, Arizona, Texas, California, and Florida, due to its low tolerance for cold weather.  Spend any time in the Arizona desert, and you will see the Red Bird of Paradise planted in communities and in the medians and sides of major roads and freeways.  Additionally, Caesalpinia pulcherrima has many medical uses such as relief for sore throats and certain pulmonary ailments. 


Scientific Name: Caesalapinia pulcherrima

Common Name: Red Bird of Paradise, Pride of Barbados

Family: Fabaceae

Suggested Uses: Landscape, ornamental, medicine



Height: 4-8 ft

Foliage: 3-4 ft

Flower: Bright red and orange blooms 

Bloom Period: Late summer through fall

Fruit: n/a

Foliage: Green with delicate, mesquite-like leaves


Sun: Full sun  

Water: Low to moderate

Soil: Well-draining

USDA Zone: 8-11