Encelia farinosa



Encelia farinosa, referred commonly as brittlebush for its fragile, dry stems, is a desert evergreen shrub that grows to be 3-5ft tall. With a lifespan of up to 20 years in both urban and natural environments, this variety tends to grow in droves on rocky slopes, often occupying the in-between spaces nestled between roads and open desert. A variety whose seeds must be scarified to germinate, it tends to grow in clustered pockets close to areas with a high exposure to elements that will either crush the shell or easily entice birds or small mammals to consume for acidification once excreted. The flowers of Encelia farinosa are a pale yellow, and provide a soft, gentle blanket of daisy-like blooms that do well to color yardscapes in the late winter/early spring months. This variety is an excellent choice when planning either perennial or moon gardens.


Scientific Name: Encelia fariosa

Common Name: Brittlebush

Family: Asteraceae

Suggested Uses: Slopes, restoration, landscape accent variety



Height: 3-4ft

Width: 2-3ft

Flower: Daisy-like blooms that create a golden blanket cascading across the plant 

Bloom Period: Winter, Spring

Fruit: N/A

Foliage: Pale silvery-green


Sun: Full sun

Water: Low to moderate

Soil: Well-draining, rocky soils (can handle caliche)

USDA Zone: 8-11