Caesalpinia cacolaco




The Caesalpinia cacalaco, commonly known as the Cascalote tree, grows 15-20 ft tall and wide as a large shrub to small tree with a low branching habit. Trunks and branches are covered with heavy thorns, and leaves are bipinnately divided into 8-10 pairs of rounded leaflets. Long arching panicles of yellow flowers grow in late fall to early winter followed by brown seed pods that mature in late spring. Best results are found when planted in full sun and well-drained alkaline soils. Water every three to four weeks during the winter, and every two to three weeks during the hot summer months. Propagate by seed acid scarification, softwood cuttings, or stem air layering.


Scientific Name: Caesalpinia cacalaco

Common Name: Cascalote

Family: Fabaceae

Suggested Uses: Seasonal accent, background screen, shade tree


Height: 15-20ft tall and wide

Foliage: green pinnately compound leaflets

Flower: Yellow

Bloom Period: late fall - early winter

Fruit: brown seed pods

Bark: textured brown


Sun: Full sun

Water: Low moisture

Soil: well-drained alkaline soils

USDA Zone: 9-11