Agave ovatifolia

Whale’s Tongue Agave



Agave ovatifolia, known lovingly as the ‘Whale’s Tongue Agave’, is a solitary succulent native to the Nuevo Leon region in northeastern Mexico. Consisting of thick, rounded rosettes, its leaves are slightly cupped and adorned with baleen-like marginal teeth. Similar to many other agaves, once over 10 years in age it has the ability to flower (monocarpic), producing an impressive 15ft stalk adorned with yellowish-green branch-like flowers. It has a high yield rate when grown directly from seed, making it a satisfactory process for horticulturists across the desert.


Scientific Name: Agave ovatifolia

Common Name: Whale’s Tongue Agave

Family: Asparagaceae

Suggested Uses: Xeriscape yards, rock gardens, lush Mediterranean-style gardens



Height: 3-4ft

Width: 4-6ft

Flower: green/yellow branch-like blooms

Monocarpic: yes

Fruit: n/a


USDA Zone: 8-10

Hardiness: 10F

Sun: Partial sun in zones 9 - 10

Water: low usage once established

Soil: Sandy, rocky well-draining soils